Our tree is real-always will be.......and it will always have both gorgeous and ugly ornaments. For me, that's how Christmas has always been; it wouldn't be as lovely if everything was perfect.
The kids and I stopped at Hobby Lobby on our way down to the farm for Thanksgiving. While we were there I spotted some wooden ornaments for Gage to paint. He took them to my mom's and painted a few while we were out of town, then a few more when we got home. There are ornaments on my mom's tree that Amy, Josh, and I painted when we were kids........Amy's are perfect, Josh's aren't bad, and mine are downright ugly. I'm pretty sure I was close to Gage's age when I painted those-his look about like mine........
Just like my mom with the ones that we painted-never will I decorate the tree without these precious gems.
Some of my other favorites are a set of ornaments Matt and I received as a wedding gift. It was something unexpected but I love them. Each one is symbolic-a church for our faith, a fish for fertility, a fruit basket for the bounty of blessings in our home.........there are several in the set. It's fun to take them out each year and review what they symbolize......and how they relate to our family. This time when we took out the fertility fish we joked that maybe this year we should just leave that one off the tree!
Here is Gage's Christmas list this year........

We were in a quite a hurry when we wrote this so it's not his best work. I love that he included a new book for the babies, a shirt for dad, a new date book for me.........for Gracie he had asked for Santa to send her an Elf on the Shelf of her own. He changed his mind because he was afraid Builder (our Elf) wouldn't keep coming if Gracie got her own elf. For himself his list included Heelies (these are those shoes with a wheel in the heel so they can skate around in them), Beyblades and Ninjago Legos. Every time he wrote out his list or someone asked, "What did you ask Santa for?" I would feel bad. Gage would answer, "There is only one thing I REALLY want-Heelies".......and let me tell you what Santa is NOT bringing-Heelies. I don't want him to have them......I had people ask me if it's because they're dangerous and he would need a helmet like a skateboard-NO. But they're not allowed at school and I don't want them in the house......mostly I just think they're obnoxious. It's important to know that though I feel bad-I don't feel THAT bad because we're NOT getting them.
This Christmas season I had whole list of things I wanted to get done-but didn't. As the big day approaches I'm fine with letting them go. I didn't get to make the wreath I had planned, didn't sew new stockings as I had wanted, didn't do Christmas Tree Lane, didn't make a gingerbread house (though Gage did at school to make up for it), didn't do this amazing new idea I had for monogrammed gift tags and the list goes on. In fact, this year-my gifts don't even have any ribbons or bows at all.......and my gift tags are Avery address labels that I wrote on with a Sharpie. I had big plans.......and as the day has been getting closer I realize that it might be several Christmases before anything gets done again. I'll have an entire post on that soon......
Gage's school-made gingerbread house...
BUT-we trimmed our tree, we hung our stockings, we read about the Grinch and Polar Express and of course-the story of Christ's birth, we watched Christmas Vacation, we made a few treats, we listened to Little Drummer Boy, and we didn't forget anyone on our list.........at least we hope not........