He's measuring 6lb, 5oz and she's measuring 5lb, 14oz. They can be pretty far off at this point but they're likely both over the 5lb. mark and that's a good sign-one of the requirements for a vaginal delivery. It was nice to see how they are oriented because I'm always really lopsided. There's always what feels like a bottom sticking out on my right side and nothing on the left. We learned yesterday that's her bottom near what would be my waist if (I had one) and she's curled up facing my back. He isn't curled up....he's also head down but laying over her with his bottom under the middle of my ribs. I like to think he's already protecting her. I realized a lot of what I thought was her legs moving has probably been his because both sets of legs are to my right.
In other news I've had terrible insomnia that gets worse every night. I fall asleep with no problem but I wake up between 1-2am-I'm wide awake, restless, and can't get back to sleep. I am (according to the Perinatologist) 37 weeks today. That's full term for twins so I have to say I am MORE than ready for them to come at any time. I see Dr. Swanson tomorrow and after looking at the ultrasound results we will set a day for delivery in case they don't come on their own.
Here are some pics of what I see at my non-stress tests every Monday and Thursday.....
Three monitors-one for Baby A, one for Baby B and one for my contractions.
As for the big kids-Gracie is starting to talk more and more every day. She knows all of her farm animal sounds and a few more. Books are her favorite thing to play with. She has her dad read at least ten books to her every evening and almost every time I come home from an appointment the sitter is on the floor with her reading a book.
Gage has been busy with school and the new homework packets for kindergarten.......
He's waiting anxiously for the arrival of the twins but he's more excited about a possible trip down to the farm to see the new piglets at Uncle Jack and Auntie Kalli's!
So many have been sending wishes our way and we know we're in the prayers of so many. Thank you for the warm thoughts and prayers-they are much appreciated.