The thing is I wasn't offended because I'm certain she didn't mean to be offensive. I just didn't know what to say. That's a great lesson by the way-if you can remind yourself that people (usually) don't mean to be offensive-then you don't get offended. It was just right up there with, "You must be having that baby ANY DAY!" when you're really only six or seven months along. Again, people who say that don't mean to be offensive-they've just never been pregnant. That's the thing about my large family, many people have just never experienced it themselves. I'm certain that I've said stupid things like that before. Certain. In fact, when my friend Danneal called to tell me they were having twins (their fourth and fifth kids) I'm pretty sure I reacted like she was losing a limb and her life was over. I just hadn't had them myself.....I didn't know what I know any better.
One of Matt's best friends from college also has four kids and they're open to more. Theirs are actually even closer together than ours. His wife has the same conversations. Often we get pity-people feel sorry for us. In a Facebook conversation with her about this article, When Did We Start Hating Big Families?, she said, "We CHOSE this, and we LOVE it (even when we hate it)". She was speaking my language. I didn't CHOOSE to have twins but if I had a do-over I wouldn't choose any differently. Sure, there are times that I want to rip my hair out and that I would rather use a public restroom than my own if it meant I could go alone. But I love them and they love each other in ways that far outweigh the hard parts.
I mean, look at Jay. He's already a model.....well, he at least has the poses down
Poor little guy hasn't had a day without drool in ages....
And he can catch flies like a frog.....
Ashlyn finally has FOUR teeth, it's only taken her sixteen months to get them....
Sometimes I think she's the sweetest thing I've ever seen.....
She's always making this face....
And this girl......she's something else
This is her smiling at the camera face.....Gage laughs every time she does this, I cringeThey're little tomboys for now.....I keep putting them in dresses, and they keep taking them off
It's not always smiles around here....
And my oldest.....who is still little enough to play
Summer is doing Gage (and me) well. We haven't even done anything just the two of us yet....and he hasn't even been bored enough for me to think about it. He just seems happier now that school's out. As long as we're not doing anything that requires writing or math he's fine. He's been reading every day and doing his chores without any complaining. He's met a few new friends in our neighborhood that go to other schools. They're all around 8-9 years old and they've been having a great time building with Legos, shooting Nerf guns/bows, and riding their bikes to each house. They come here for ice cream sandwiches and to another for orange sodas. Summer is good.
Gage is taking some Summer Fun classes-wrestling, theater, summer sports, swimming, and photography. Theater is something he's wanted to do for a while so if he loves it we'll consider continuing through the academy of arts. The photography was thrown in because he had a slot that had to be filled between wrestling and swim. So far he likes it. I'm not sure he likes the class, but he likes having the camera.
Last night my nephew P.J. came to stay the night. They played Legos, watched the Lego movie, sang, and got along the best I've ever seen them. I feel like we're turning some type of corner.
So far our summer has just been spent at home, and it's been great. I hope your summer is starting out as well as ours, and I hope next time someone asks me if we're done having kids I can come up with something more clever than "We're not sure". If you have any suggestions-do share.
Until next time,