Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Casa de Creighton......it begins

After months, and months, and months, of waiting for corrections and permits we've finally started construction on the house. Whew.

Yesterday I met Hally (our builder) at the door shop. We were there to decide on the type of back door off the family room so the house could be framed accordingly. While we there we looked at front doors, as well as interior doors and hardware. I brought everything home, and Matt and I went over it last night.

It was then I realized-we are about to begin a process that will have us facing eighty thousand decisions that could potentially cause a disagreement. It seemed like we couldn't agree on anything. He wants a slider, I want french doors. I want doorknobs (I can explain), he wants levers. This is gonna be amazing; I love disagreements. No. I don't. We didn't even have to actually make any decisions last night, and still, I couldn't sleep. My stomach hurt just thinking about all of the potential confrontation that building this house might cause.

So this morning, here I am. Up early. Typing away. Hoping to find something good. We agreed on on the interior doors. Not the hardware, but the doors. Small victories.

Another good thing, and a REALLY big one, is that it's a blessing just to face such decisions. Really. I know that.

I go by the lot every day. Last week I saw this......
That pipe sticking up in the near the center will be the source of water that fills all the pots......washes all the dishes......fills the cups of these little people.
 That is something to be thankful for.

And this is where we will welcome you into our home.....
Hi. Welcome. Come on in.

And this is where I took a break to make breakfast, drop at school, run by lot, and head to Phemom.

I'm back. The series we've been working through at Phemom is called "Flip My Life" and relates our life of faith to construction and home flipping. The coincidence of this happening as we've started construction has not been lost on me.

Earlier this week I came across a blog post about about home design. The author advised that, before you design or decorate a space, you should come up with a few descriptive words you want as a result for the space. Anything that doesn't fit that description gets nixed. I started thinking about how I want our home to be described upon completion.

Then, at the end of Phemom today, we were given time to think and pray about what we've garnered from this "Flip My Life" series.  We had tracing paper that we laid over a floor plan to make notes on. I began to pray for guidance and quickly a graphic organizer came to mind. It was clearly spirit-led because I hate bubble organizers. Seriously. Here it is.
This led me to the descriptive words I want for our home: Christ-centered, comfortable/welcoming, and lived in. The "lived in" description isn't always what you get with a new build, but it's important to me. It symbolizes that there is always room for improvement and change-no one (and nothing) is perfect. Looking "worn" illustrates the beauty and character that comes from hardships.

As we start this home-building journey, I plan to keep this organizer handy. When my stomach is in knots, worried about the hardware on our interior doors, I'll have to remember-what I want most in my home is LOVE. God is love. Love doesn't come from doorknobs. Or levers. We're fine either way.

If you are one to pray-please pray for our family during this adventure. That we might find joy in the process and remember what really matters the most. 

And since it's been a while-enjoy some pics of the kids......I'm a lagging a little in the photo department

  Until next time, LOVE