I'm not really sure why I thought the babies would be here by now.......I guess since Gage and Gracie came at the average time (near due dates) and they were pretty much average size babies I thought the twins would follow the average too. We're on the LONG side now-I'm trying to look at the up side of that but it's hard. It sounds strange but I want to do a jumping jack......or a jump squat......or walk the trail.......something that makes me feel like I'm in control of my body-because right now-I don't.
At my last appointment Dr. Swanson decided that he would see me tomorrow (Monday), if they haven't come on their own by then, and we'll make a decision about what we want to do. It's rare for twins and their mothers to be without any complications at this point-but like he said-I could be the poster child for carrying twins. I have done A LOT (probably too much) reading online and it's hard to sort through what's research based and what's just someone's experience. I kept reading and hearing that twins should come by 38 weeks because the tides turn and it becomes more dangerous to leave them in. I've since learned that's based on placental degradation and is really just a risk for twins that share a placenta-and ours don't. I have also learned that from this point (I'm now just over 38 weeks) there doesn't seem to be any data showing any benefit to them staying in any longer. So that will make the decision tough on Monday-to induce or to wait a little longer? I just can't even believe I might have to make that decision.....I thought they would have been here by now.
I have to remember that I am still the envy of many mothers-those who are struggling to have babies, those that had their twins come too early, those that had to spend time with their babies in the NICU wondering if and when they would get to come home, those who had trouble for weeks getting their babies to nurse because they weren't mature enough to latch on. It could certainly be worse than waiting......and I keep my focus there.
To take my mind off of the wait I finally just gave in and brought my sewing stuff back out......a few pacifier clips......
a couple of little knit hats.....
In big kid news Gage has lost one of his front teeth.......
and Gracie has just been busy growing her hair.........
and horseback riding........
This chalkboard was another sweet gift from the Spencer's........it will probably have this little saying for quite a while cause I've never been great at writing with chalk-time for a Pinterest tutorial.........
Next post will HOPEFULLY share the story of the twins arrival..........
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