But right now in my house.......it's ALL quiet. It's pretty strange. Gage is off to swim with Courtney, Gracie and the twins are napping AT THE SAME TIME!! So here I am blogging in the few moments I'll have today. This might mean dinner doesn't get done but there's worse things.
Today Gage had his Kindergarten Celebration.....you might consider it a graduation. I don't, but you might. This was another one of those times.....when maybe I should have been sentimental about how fast he's growing up-but I wasn't. I'm actually looking forward to all day school.......to real reading and real expectations. I might change my mind next school year-but right now I'm looking forward to his growing up a little.
Our yogurt date afterward......

The twins are approaching 4 months and they are hilarious. I've spent the last two weeks trying to work on a schedule for them. By schedule I mean a VERY flexible schedule. Just something so that I can TRY to get the three little ones all down at the same time. I succeeded today-BLISS. They are sweet and almost always smile back if you smile at them. They smiled at each other for the first time earlier this week. It was really hard to capture but they caught each other's eye and Jay smiled, then Ashlyn smiled back....they went back and forth for a few minutes-it was so cute.

Okay, that was all written YESTERDAY so now for today.....
Gage had a Teddy Bear Picnic at school and families were invited. Gage didn't have a teddy bear so he took a monkey instead. I took all the kids with me and we were only five minutes late arriving, pretty good for me. The twins were pretty good......
Then after school I had the saddest thing happen......we took Ella (the back neighbor) home because Mandy, her mom, couldn't make the picnic. We invited her to come play after school and we stopped by their house first to drop a few things off. When we got back in the car I was a little behind the kids, I saw the back door open and I shut it............right on Ella's ankle!! She yelped and my heart sank and I just scooped her up like she was my own-I felt SO awful. When I got inside and told Mandy what happened she actually laughed a little as she grabbed Ella and said, "My mom used to do that ALL the time.....I swear at least once a month someone got something shut in the door-that's just how it goes when you have so many!" I was so glad she made light of it because my heart was broken. It's just another reason they are the best back neighbors.
Tomorrow is Gage's last day of Kindergarten.....and I feel the same as I did the last day of preschool-just fine. Not even a little nostalgic about his growing up. Looking forward to summer camps and first grade.
That was all actually written last week so I'm going to go ahead and post before I'm catching up on things that happened a month ago!!
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