Nine years ago (I'm suddenly feeling old again) I started my first year teaching at Hoover High School. I had just turned 23. HHS- Home of the Patriots. I also went to an HHS-Hilmar High School, home of the Yellowjackets. But these two places couldn't be more different. My high school was small was one and a half black kids at my high school. Hoover High on the other hand had a population half the size of the entire town I grew up in...... a city school.......with a minority population making up nearly 80% of the student body. From students to staff Hoover High had a lot to teach me that first year.
The first day of school one of my all time favorite kids (though I didn't know it yet) raised her hand. I called on her and she asked me how she could learn more about the Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance.....(I thought, "We have a Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance?") and I realized that my new teaching job would extend far beyond teaching science and I was not in the little conservative small town I was raised in.
I knew nothing about the Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance but I assured her I would find out, and I did. That same girl and I keep up with one another on Facebook all these years later......she is still an advocate. That year was certainly a favorite and to think they are about the same age I was the year I was their teacher is so weird.....
The first day of school one of my all time favorite kids (though I didn't know it yet) raised her hand. I called on her and she asked me how she could learn more about the Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance.....(I thought, "We have a Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance?") and I realized that my new teaching job would extend far beyond teaching science and I was not in the little conservative small town I was raised in.
I knew nothing about the Gay and Lesbian Student Alliance but I assured her I would find out, and I did. That same girl and I keep up with one another on Facebook all these years later......she is still an advocate. That year was certainly a favorite and to think they are about the same age I was the year I was their teacher is so weird.....
There were girls like Courtney, Sarah, and Samantha......that reminded me of myself and rolled their eyes at every stupid question the boys asked me......Patsy and Ashley who came in at lunch to hang out and make me laugh........Hunter, Peter, Jaron, and Jeremy-jocks in their jerseys every Friday......Tiffany and Sean (Chantel) that were so thoughtful and creative.
A story from that first year.........
A story from that first year.........
It was 4th period-The kids were watching a movie and started to get a little off task. I said teasing to two boys, "Brandon, Peter-quit flirting and watch the movie".......there were a few giggles from the class and we continued the movie. The next day there was a note folded up on the keyboard at my desk (I thought I kept the note but I couldn't find it). There was more to the letter but it read something like this.....
I want you to're my favorite teacher. That's why I was so upset yesterday when you made that joke during the movie. You know I get teased because people think I'm gay so you making a joke about it really hurt my feelings. Don't worry, I forgive you-and you're still my favorite teacher! Love, Brandon
I cried. He was right-I KNEW kids teased him......I had blurted without thinking. There wasn't a day that passed the remainder of the school year that I didn't think about that. Recently I found Brandon on Facebook......and when he added me he sent a message that said, "I've been looking for you for years!!" And then he posted a picture of us......
That first year I made a lot of mistakes.....I gave kids hugs (as seen in the pic) and rides home.....and I just hoped that I wouldn't get in trouble. It's sad that my good intentions could have gotten me in trouble, but it's the truth.
Here's one that I found of us from the same day (Circa 2005, I think).
His shirt makes me laugh because I can totally remember Brandon wearing this shirt and because it illustrates that I've never been good with enforcing dress code.
My friend Chrissy writes a fantastic blog, Life with Greyson and Parker, and recently wrote referencing teachers, "You think about our children even outside of school".........and many have no idea how true that is......or how long it lasts. It's been nine years since I taught that group at Hoover High School yet I STILL think about them all the time. I wonder if Leslie is still goth....if Kataro lived up to what I thought was amazing potential.....if Patsy finished college.....if Jonathan and Georgina stayed in the Jeremy is doing in raising his little girl......and on and on......
I'm not sure that I'll ever go back to teaching. If I do, it won't be in the fantasy-land where my own kids go.....where there is no culture. Don't get me wrong-there are minorities at Gage's school-but there is just one culture.....where everybody has and nobody needs.
Anyway.....thank a teacher because it's true we think of your kids always. Search for one of your old ones on might be surprised to find that they've been wondering about you all this time.....
I want you to're my favorite teacher. That's why I was so upset yesterday when you made that joke during the movie. You know I get teased because people think I'm gay so you making a joke about it really hurt my feelings. Don't worry, I forgive you-and you're still my favorite teacher! Love, Brandon
I cried. He was right-I KNEW kids teased him......I had blurted without thinking. There wasn't a day that passed the remainder of the school year that I didn't think about that. Recently I found Brandon on Facebook......and when he added me he sent a message that said, "I've been looking for you for years!!" And then he posted a picture of us......

Here's one that I found of us from the same day (Circa 2005, I think).
His shirt makes me laugh because I can totally remember Brandon wearing this shirt and because it illustrates that I've never been good with enforcing dress code.
My friend Chrissy writes a fantastic blog, Life with Greyson and Parker, and recently wrote referencing teachers, "You think about our children even outside of school".........and many have no idea how true that is......or how long it lasts. It's been nine years since I taught that group at Hoover High School yet I STILL think about them all the time. I wonder if Leslie is still goth....if Kataro lived up to what I thought was amazing potential.....if Patsy finished college.....if Jonathan and Georgina stayed in the Jeremy is doing in raising his little girl......and on and on......
I'm not sure that I'll ever go back to teaching. If I do, it won't be in the fantasy-land where my own kids go.....where there is no culture. Don't get me wrong-there are minorities at Gage's school-but there is just one culture.....where everybody has and nobody needs.
Anyway.....thank a teacher because it's true we think of your kids always. Search for one of your old ones on might be surprised to find that they've been wondering about you all this time.....
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