Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday to our precious Gracie girl......

Three years ago today our Gracie girl was born. It was the very same day my best friend got married and the same day my friends grandfather passed.

Gracie was the most beautiful of my babies. She was small and swift and came out with her eyes wide open.
Gage fell in love with his baby sister, Gracie. 

She stole her dad's heart right away. 
Gracie was the most challenging of our babies in the first year. She never wanted to be with anyone other than me. I always felt bad asking anyone to watch her that first year because she just cried so much. But something happened when she turned one. She's been far more joyful ever since. 
 One year old Gracie
Two year old Gracie
Three year old Gracie
Gracie cracks me up. Sometimes she comes running in wearing her Cinderella dress, two necklaces, gloves, and a crown. On the other hand, if you dropped in randomly-odds are she'd be in just her underwear. When we get home from anywhere, her clothes will be found within ten feet of the door as she shed them upon walking in. She's all about comfort.   

She gets this hilarious excited voice about the littlest things. She loves her brothers and sister dearly. She asks if Ash can sit next to her every night at dinner. She loves puzzles. She has great balance and an awful singing voice already. She is very observant and a little shy when she's in a new situation. She drags her giraffe blankie everywhere we go and sucks her thumb when she's tired. 

She's very loved. This year Gage's card to her said, "Dear Sister. Happy Brthday. It is your speshel day. You are the best sister. From 0 to 1, 1 to 2, now 3". I thought it was the sweetest thing.  

This weekend we'll head to the farm for a birthday pony ride and fireworks. 

Gracie girl-we love you too much

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