Yesterday was one of those days.......
I had left a watermelon out on the deep freezer in our garage. My hands were full and I was just planning to bring it in later. Gage decided that he would try to bring it in himself while I was laying Gracie down for a nap. He comes in to tell me about it and when I go out to the garage I find that he had dropped the watermelon and there was flesh and juice everywhere. We clean it up, I spray out the sticky garage floor and I bring in the top half of the watermelon to see if I can salvage anything from this watermelon that Gage had wanted so bad. While I'm cutting up the half I'm trying to save part of it slips off the counter onto the ground and there is now flesh and juice all over my floor and cabinets. I clean it all up and decide I'm over the melon and trash the rest. Then I pull out the garbage bag to take it out and an edge of the watermelon slices the bag and out of the bottom comes another wedge of watermelon onto my floor......flesh and juice spewing everywhere. Again. Amazing.
Next on the agenda was taking Gage to school. I decided to follow this with a treat for myself after the crappy morning. So Gracie and I headed to Fig Garden for a little Ga Ga Chic, Chipotle, and Hungry Bear. I LOVE the iced tea from Uncle Harry's so I grabbed that on our way over to Chipotle. We pop into Hungry Bear to grab a treat and we hit the bump in the doorway. My giant iced tea bounces out of the stroller and spills all over their floor. I was very apologetic but the lady working wasn't so forgiving. Nice.
Then it was time to pick up Gage from school. His teacher informed me that he pulled two cards today and his fish was swimming in very red, very murky waters. Talking........then back-talking in a way that only Gage can do. His teacher actually used the term rail-roading.......and I knew exactly what she was talking about. So.....cancelled plans to swim with a friend at Copper, no treats, 20 minutes of quiet time in his room, and early bedtime. Fun.
It's been months since Matt and I have been anywhere without the kids. Our weekends ahead are getting busy so I made plans for us to go to dinner this Friday at Cracked Pepper. Santa brought me gift cards for Cracked Pepper for Christmas.....and I still have them-that tells you how long it's been since we've been out by ourselves. I contacted my seven options for babysitters and not one was available. Cancelled date night. Perfect.
Since Gage can't have any of his own fun due to the red card at school he resigns to playing with Gracie. Everything he decides to do is NOISY. The singing dog, the keyboard, the drums, the talking ladybug. I was about to crack from a severe headache so I text Matt to see if he can take the kids to the gym with him so I can have just one hour of peace and quiet. He happened to leave his phone in the car and was already at the gym by the time I sent the message. Opportunity lost.
But-there's always an upside. Last night it was that Gage had to go to bed early due to the red card. Which meant I got to go to bed early too. And today is a new day.......the watermelon is being picked up buy the garbage man as I write this post and Gage was certainly sorry he pulled a red card. He won't be doing that least for a little while.
Wishing you all (and myself) a fabulous day!
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