Friday, September 7, 2012

Taking a time out.....

This morning the kids and I have done......nothing. It's almost 11am and I'm still in my robe. I mean, we've had a healthy breakfast, I've done a little online research on car seats and such for the twins, I've spent time reading with Gage as well as working on number identification and sight words........but I'm still in my robe. I'm taking it easy, I'm taking a time out. 

During my pregnancies with Gage and Gracie I was very active. I worked out with Gage until three days before he was born and I was at the gym doing cardio the morning that Gracie decided to come in to the world. I was terrible about taking my prenatal vitamins.....I probably averaged 2-3x/week. I was also teaching during both pregnancies until a few weeks before those summer babies came. 

This's different. I have been sick, which I never experienced with the other two, and I've been warned that my gym time will be over come 18-20 weeks. And yesterday I had a little felt like a huge scare, but the good news is-it wasn't. I was afraid I was having PROM (premature rupture of membranes). It was late so I went ahead went to bed thinking I was just over-reacting. Then I had an AWFUL dream that I miscarried one of the twins. When I woke up in the morning I just couldn't shake it......I couldn't stop worrying. My OB-GYN sent me to the hospital to check my fluids and the babies. I didn't want to go because I was afraid I was just over-reacting.....but they convinced me that it's better to be safe than sorry and I needed to ease my mind. 

Thankfully my friend Ally was able to go with me to the hospital and my neighbor Mandy was able to get Gage to school for me. After over four hours there (gotta love the emergency room) we learned my fluids are great and the babies are just where they need to be. It was miserable to be there for that long but I do feel better for having gone. And it was a well received reminder that I really need to take care of myself better this time.....carrying two just takes a greater toll and I need to be more careful. While we were there the ultrasound tech told me that she saw one boy and one I'm feeling just a little more certain about what's cooking in there. She also assured me that it was best for me to come in and I'm no where near the only one to come in and learn that everything is just fine. 

Today I took my prenatal vitamin, I'm drinking my 90+ oz. of water, I skipped the gym, I'm still in my robe, ......and I'm okay with it. 


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