Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day......

Just a quick re-cap of ours.......

For Christmas Matt got me a new camera......sadly it took months to for me to really figure out how to use it.  For Father's Day I decided to do a little photo shoot with the kids-similar to something I saw on Pinterest. I'm lucky-Matt appreciates these types of gifts.

We had a good picture of Gage within five minutes............

Gracie on the other hand........she wasn't really ready for picture day

She likes to challenge her mama........she ate several of those little caterpillar tree droppings and I just went with it. Finally we got just a couple we could use......

The final product.......

And this.....

Gage was hilarious on this one.....he insisted that Matt's hair was black and his eyes were blue, even after looking at pictures from the wedding. Both are actually brown. I thought it was sweet that he said Matt's favorite food is my cooking. I wouldn't say it's his favorite, but he compliments my cooking and is always sure to thank me (and have Gage do the same) when I prepare a meal.

On Saturday the kids and I were in Weldon for my sister-in-law's baby shower....

Matt stayed home to work on a little project he's got going......

 More on that in another post.

Our Father's Day weekend was just what Matt wanted-simple. I made migas for breakfast, he watched golf and worked on his project and we hung out with the kids. Weekends like this can get few and far between when life gets busy. I'm glad we both enjoy slow and quiet time together......right now it's rare but someday that's probably all we'll have.


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