Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Turning 31.....

At most of life's milestone birthdays I've been distracted by something other than the fact that I was getting older. Turning 25 was a milestone for many of my friends but I was 7 months pregnant with Gage on my 25th birthday and becoming a mother made me feel much older than just turning 25. On my 30th birthday I was in my 9th month of pregnancy with Gracie.....so my plan for a Vegas 30th birthday weekend didn't quite pan out. Turning 30 didn't feel..........anything, I was only longing to have that baby. I don't feel 31......I feel like my older sister is 31.....but she's 35 and that makes me 31. Teaching kept me young; now that I don't teach I feel so out of the loop.....I didn't realize how much I depended on the kids to keep me up on the trends!!

And want to know what made me think I was a little old this year???

My birthday gift from Matt.....

Don't get me wrong-it's amazing and I LOVE it!!!!! But really......a sewing machine? That's what I longed for? What's next.........."mom" jeans?

NO WAY. I love youth and I'm going to stay as young as long I can. I take care of myself-I stay active, I wear sunscreen every day, I read and continue learning, I maintain a healthy diet and I ENGAGE with my children. As I shared in my first post, my Noni inspired me by welcoming the changes of the world. She held tight to her faith in God but always embraced new trends, new technologies, and new ways to do things.

I've often been told I have an old soul........and that may be true but just as my Noni did-I'll always remain young in spirit!

Happy Birthday to me, it's wonderful to be 27.


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