Gage enjoys summer nights learning to do cartwheels.......
Climbing the fence to visit with the neighbors.....
And working on balance.......
Enjoying her first Otter Pop :).....
Clapping her hands.....
And watching Gage in wonder......
Can you believe Gracie's chompers? They are so big for such a little peanut.....
Back to "Got your keys mom?".........Last Wednesday the kids and I headed out to run errands. Long story short I was in Matt's car instead of mine. We pulled into the parking lot of Joann Fabrics when I realized I had left my wallet in MY car-which was parked at my house. I HAD to have the fabric to finish a gift so we headed home to pick up my wallet. As I pulled in the driveway I realized I should probably make a bottle for Gracie and grab an iced tea for myself too. So I ran in and made a quick bottle for Gracie and a tea for myself. I got back in the car, put it in reverse to leave and Gage said, "Did you get your wallet mom?"............Wow. I'm an idiot. I DID NOT get my wallet. Luckily we were still in the driveway so I grabbed my wallet and we continued on with our errands.
It's the story of my life......searching frantically for my phone before I finally realize that I'm talking on it. Sometimes it's my keys that get lost, others it's sunglasses.......or diaper bag.....or my list-you know, the one I made so I don't forget anything. Constantly I find myself running back in the house and still something is always left behind. I think every mother goes through this phase but I'm not sure there are any mothers worse than me on this one.
We live ever on the bright side over here I might forget my list, phone, keys, wallet, planner, diaper bag or sunglasses........BUT-I've never forgotten my kids. I've never left them anywhere, I've never forgotten to feed them, bathe them, say good morning and goodnight, read to them daily, and never has a day gone by that I forgot to tell them "I love you". In the big scheme of life........I guess I'm doing alright.
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