Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Farewell Facebook

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. I'm not catholic, but most years I have participated in the lenten season. I don't do all of it, I just give something up.

Last week, as I was contemplating what I would give up, I ran into this article. It will help if you read it. The author indicates that when we're checking our.....whatever-email, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and so on-we're checking out of where we are. We're checking out of the present. Guilty. She mentions how social media has imparted a new type of greed-desiring what we see from others and don't have ourselves, a longing for likes,followers, and invitations. I really didn't think I was guilty there. I mean, I have no idea how many Facebook friends or IG followers I have. I don't have a tendency to desire what others have nor do I feel a heightened self esteem when something I post gets a lot of likes. But-to say that I don't take notice of who or how many likes my IG pics have would be a lie. So, guilty. She relates this all to 1 Timothy 6:9-10, "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." When I really stopped to think about WHY I spend time in social media I realized that it's greed. Whether I'm greedy to check out of the present or greedy for likes-it's greed either way.

Today at Phemom (a women's ministry group I participate in) there were a few verses we focused on. The first one was 1 Timothy 6:8-10. There it was again. Like a slap upside the head. The next one aligned even more with what I needed to hear: 1 Timothy 6:20-21, "Guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed, and in doing have departed from the faith." What stuck out for me was, "turn away from godless chatter". I know I'm on my phone too much lately. I catch myself reading articles on Facebook that I don't even really have any interest in. Then I start reading through comments and get even more engrossed in something that I really DON'T care about. I read and read and all I get is gossip and unnecessary/ugly comments and some awful spelling and grammar.

So, it's farewell Facebook. At least for lent. It's my sincere hope that I will spend less time on my phone and in turn enjoy more engaging time with my family and "in real life" friends. I hope that it brings me such joy that I don't care to ever put the app back on my phone. We're also giving up weekday television before the kids go to bed. We don't really watch a ton of TV anyway but this will mean no shows for Gracie while the twins nap. That means I have to plan ahead for what she'll do while I get that little quiet time that I usually use to pay bills or clean.

It's been a while, so enjoy a whole bunch of pics of the kids.....





Gage is growing up. He's busy with basketball and baseball. He's frustrates me with tattling and being bossy. He makes me proud with his desire to be good and do well in school. 

Gracie is a good big sister. She's going through a phase of being whiny and fighting me about what she's going to wear every day (she wants a t-shirt, leggings and flip flops always). She is learning a lot and loves to sit quietly and paint or color. 

Ashlyn has the most hilarious expressions. Her cry/whine is still the most piercing sound ever. She continues to be the most affectionate of our children and I love that she can sit quietly and color for long periods of time. 

Jay is still all boy. He's still having trouble staying in his bed. He gets into trouble with climbing/jumping from everything and coloring on the walls. He is the most joyful of our kids and that little dimple gets me every time. 

On my break from Facebook you can find me on Instagram where there's a link to the blog in my profile. I'm hoping less time on Facebook might translate to more blog time too, but probably not.

Until next time, love.