Monday, December 31, 2012

Our Christmas Eve......

For Christmas Eve we put a little gravel in our travel and headed to Dos Palos for time with my family. This is a part of my family that I don't get to spend enough time with. Our time together is fun.....and it's always insanely loud for the amount of people there.

When we got there the kids were riding quads and the big boys were preparing for target practice......for long range......where the targets blow up so you know if you're successful. This wasn't just a little pop......even from in the house I felt the ground shake. When it came time for gifts there were cowboy hats.......

remote control cars.......

remote control helicopters......(which were the biggest hit).......

Gage had a blast and everybody wanted to hold Gracie.....Valerie....
 Uncle Josh....
 Uncle Jeff......they were blowing bubbles at each other.....

We laughed......
Opened gifts.....

Loved our gifts......

I wish I had pictures of the dancing. It started with PJ and Gage doing the Dougie....then they went Gagnam style, then Nick had to show them how to jerk and pin drop.....then we took it classic with the worm. That's where Gracie decided to join the fun and watching her try to do the worm was hilarious. 

It was a great day and thankfully our drive home wasn't foggy..........

Monday, December 24, 2012

Trimming the tree.......

Our tree is real-always will be.......and it will always have both gorgeous and ugly ornaments. For me, that's how Christmas has always been; it wouldn't be as lovely if everything was perfect.

The kids and I stopped at Hobby Lobby on our way down to the farm for Thanksgiving. While we were there I spotted some wooden ornaments for Gage to paint. He took them to my mom's and painted a few while we were out of town, then a few more when we got home. There are ornaments on my mom's tree that Amy, Josh, and I painted when we were kids........Amy's are perfect, Josh's aren't bad, and mine are downright ugly. I'm pretty sure I was close to Gage's age when I painted those-his look about like mine........

Just like my mom with the ones that we painted-never will I decorate the tree without these precious gems.  

Some of my other favorites are a set of ornaments Matt and I received as a wedding gift. It was something unexpected but I love them. Each one is symbolic-a church for our faith, a fish for fertility, a fruit basket for the bounty of blessings in our home.........there are several in the set. It's fun to take them out each year and review what they symbolize......and how they relate to our family. This time when we took out the fertility fish we joked that maybe this year we should just leave that one off the tree! 

Here is Gage's Christmas list this year........ 

We were in a quite a hurry when we wrote this so it's not his best work. I love that he included a new book for the babies, a shirt for dad, a new date book for me.........for Gracie he had asked for Santa to send her an Elf on the Shelf of her own. He changed his mind because he was afraid Builder (our Elf) wouldn't keep coming if Gracie got her own elf. For himself his list included Heelies (these are those shoes with a wheel in the heel so they can skate around in them), Beyblades and Ninjago Legos. Every time he wrote out his list or someone asked, "What did you ask Santa for?" I would feel bad. Gage would answer, "There is only one thing I REALLY want-Heelies".......and let me tell you what Santa is NOT bringing-Heelies. I don't want him to have them......I had people ask me if it's because they're dangerous and he would need a helmet like a skateboard-NO. But they're not allowed at school and I don't want them in the house......mostly I just think they're obnoxious. It's important to know that though I feel bad-I don't feel THAT bad because we're NOT getting them. 

This Christmas season I had whole list of things I wanted to get done-but didn't. As the big day approaches I'm fine with letting them go. I didn't get to make the wreath I had planned, didn't sew new stockings as I had wanted, didn't do Christmas Tree Lane, didn't make a gingerbread house (though Gage did at school to make up for it), didn't do this amazing new idea I had for monogrammed gift tags and the list goes on. In fact, this year-my gifts don't even have any ribbons or bows at all.......and my gift tags are Avery address labels that I wrote on with a Sharpie. I had big plans.......and as the day has been getting closer I realize that it might be several Christmases before anything gets done again. I'll have an entire post on that soon...... 

Gage's school-made gingerbread house...

BUT-we trimmed our tree, we hung our stockings, we read about the Grinch and Polar Express and of course-the story of Christ's birth, we watched Christmas Vacation, we made a few treats, we listened to Little Drummer Boy, and we didn't forget anyone on our least we hope not........


Sunday, December 23, 2012

How we started Christmas.......

A few months ago Matt and I decided that we needed to plan a weekend away without the kids.........we figured with twins on the way this would be our last opportunity to get away for.........several years. November was too busy and we didn't want to go while I was too far along so we decided on the first weekend in December. This meant that we had to get our Christmas tree BEFORE we left......I mean, if we were going to be gone the first weekend in December I couldn't wait for our tree to go up the SECOND weekend.

Each year we go out to find the biggest tree that we can fit in our house. I can't do the fake's just not our thing. I like the smell.....trying to find the tree with the fewest imperfections......the chill of the Christmas tree just wouldn't be right without it. Once we have the tree we put on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, drink hot chocolate, and decorate the tree. The kids were hilarious. I wish I had taken a video but these pics are Gage and Gracie dancing......

Matt is crazy about having me "take it easy" this pregnancy so from the couch I gave directions on what to do. Here was the final product......

I've been searching for an angel to top the tree for years but haven't found one I like. I finally made Matt and Gage happy this year by getting a star.

After the tree was up and decorated I was ready for our trip out of town. The trip was perfect. We got a room at Tally Ho in Carmel, and left the kids with my mom for the weekend. The weather was drizzly but we just spent the weekend relaxing, reading, doing a little shopping, and enjoying some great meals. What we enjoyed most was sitting outside by the fire and enjoying some quiet time without the kids.

Our tree has changed since the above picture was gifts have stacked up for our loved ones. More posts on our holiday to come......


Saturday, December 22, 2012

A look back at Thanksgiving.....

I finally have my own laptop back.....and can return to more frequent blogging......until the twins come at least......

We spent Thanksgiving this year at the farm. Jack and Kalli had just returned home from their honeymoon and invited us to stay at their house. It was a wonderful trip and with the twins coming we knew it would be our last time home for a while. Thanksgiving at the farm is no joke.......I think there were over 60 people there-family, friends, and neighbors. Some pics.... a little dress I made for her

 The kids enjoying games on the tennis court......Gracie's trying to sneak in with the big kids
 Gathering to pray........
Gage with Kalli......
He just loves her......

We enjoyed reflecting on all we have to be thankful for......


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

He met me here....and there....He meets me everywhere

Sometimes I go to church and my mind starts to wanders off to my to do paying attention to every little move the twins wondering if I should have reminded staff about Gracie's milk allergy just in case she picks up a cup that isn't hers. On the other hand, sometimes I feel like the message was meant just for me.

This last Sunday, at church, we were were asked to share a story and a picture (in the form of social media) of where God met us. Whether we shared the story of the first time or the umpteenth time-a story of when and where God met us. I've said before my memory isn't great but as I sat through the remaining time in service a few images came to mind. It brought great joy for me to think of the moments in life where God met me......

The first thing that came to mind was of the Church of Christ in Dos Palos, CA......probably around the time this photo was taken........
I saw several of us in the above picture on a bench singing, "Blue skies and rainbows and sunbeams from heaven, are what I can see when my Lord is living in me....I know that Jesus is well and alive today, He makes His home in my heart....never more will I be all alone since He, promised me that we never would part."

Next was YBC-Yosemite Bible Camp......

This one below is like Where's Waldo.......can you spot me?

How I loved going there every summer......He met me there each year. I learned of His forgiveness and love, how to worship and pray, and how fellow believers make the best friends. It was just one week out of every year......but it shaped me-because He met me there.

And then.....The Well

In 2007 I became angry with God........frustrated that my many prayers to heal a broken marriage were unanswered. I had no desire to maintain my relationship with Christ.......and over a year went by. At the start of 2009 Gage and I moved into a house and my friend Kelsi became our roommate. She asked me to go to church with her-we had gone together before but it had been a while. I was ready.....and so I started going again. Then I started dating Matt.....he also went to The Well so we would meet there or go together. I remember standing in church later that year; it wasn't the Christmas service but it was that time of year. Matt had just brought over the biggest Christmas tree that would fit in my apartment. It was the first beautiful Christmas I'd had in several years. We were singing, "Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain, he washed it white as snow." I felt a warmth run through the temperature of the blood in my veins had just increased by ten degrees. It was the Holy Spirit-there to assure me that I was forgiven.......that even though I had been angry, that I had turned away, that I had questioned and probably even cursed Him-I was forgiven. Of all our meetings-that one stands out the most.

Then an image of our wedding day........

He met us there. He lives in the heart of my husband.......through Matt and my children He meets me daily.......His presence is the reason I am not a worrier......

I am so grateful I was asked to share this story.......


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our growing family.......

It's been a while since my last post......I have some pics I want to share from our Thanksgiving and a few from our holiday preparations as well......I'll get to those when I get my laptop back. For now, it's just a post about preparing for our growing family.....

This pregnancy has definitely been different than the first two......I just don't feel as well. In fact, I feel like I should be having them any day when the reality is I have 8 or 9 more weeks. I'm as big as I was with Gage and Gracie when I delivered and more uncomfortable. Matt has been helping as much as he can and I'm grateful-but it's hard for me to accept the help. I have a friend that loves to have other people do things for her.......I hate it. It's just not in my nature to sit or lay down on a couch while life goes on around me. BUT-when I get contractions in the evenings I know it's best to sit down and let him take on the evening routine.

Sometimes I still marvel at the fact that there are TWO babies in there.......I imagine seeing one of them for the first time......then the realization that there is still another one coming that has yet to be seen. It's just not something I ever imagined happening in our life.

Gage is obviously very aware of all that is going on....he's aware that there are two babies coming....that they'll be coming a while after Christmas....that I haven't been feeling as well because of the pregnancy. He's sympathetic and already loves his brother and sister to be. Gracie obviously has no idea what's going on. In Dr. Swanson's office I was reading a little article in Parenting Magazine on preparing your children for the arrival of a new baby. I don't subscribe to the magazine because from my experience it doesn't line up with my parenting style. This article was a perfect example.

The article suggested having a gift for your older children to give them upon/after the birth "from the baby". I know people who have done this but our family doesn't subscribe to that kind of parenting. The idea is that it makes your children feel's so they don't feel left out with all of the attention being given to the new baby. For one, the materialism bothers me.......I don't like the idea that a physical or material gift is necessary to make my children feel special. Second, life doesn't always leave you feeling special and loved. For children at a certain age I'm sure a new baby brings jealousy and feeling "left out" from the attention given to a new baby. Such is life sometimes and even children need to experience hurt feelings as a part of growing up. More importantly, for our family, a new baby wouldn't bring a gift because the new baby IS the gift..........

On that note.....we are anxiously awaiting our gifts. We can't wait for the arrival of this baby boy and girl and look forward to the joy and love they will add to our family. As we celebrate this most wonderful time of the year we are so grateful for the two gifts that are to follow......and we pray daily that they don't make an early escape!


Monday, November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving, Days 17, 18, 19

Day 17-So grateful for another sister in law (this makes four on the Creighton side alone and six in all). Matt's brother Jackson got married on Saturday and I inherited a fabulous new sister in law, Kalli. I met Kalli at Tom and Kristi's wedding on one of my first trips home to the farm. Gage ADORES her and when she's not at the farm his visit just isn't the same. He was thrilled when he realized that Kalli will now be at the farm every time we go! I know she will be a most wonderful aunt to our children, wife for Jackson, and sister for me!

Day 18-Thankful for a husband that encourages me to get my rest. Saturday night after the wedding I got sick :( Maybe I got whatever little bug Gracie had because thankfully, it didn't last long. I didn't sleep well and when we got home Matt encouraged me to just sleep until I felt better. There were a million things I should have been doing instead-like unpacking, tending to the kids, and cleaning house. However, Matt kept encouraging me to lay down and rest as he took care of things. Today I woke up feeling refreshed and I'm so glad he encouraged me to just take it easy.

Day 19-Thankful for old I met my friend Tami and her son, Gabriel, at the park. Tami and I taught next to each other at Hoover High School, which I know realize was eight years ago. There was a door joining our classrooms and was I ever grateful for such a fabulous neighbor for those two years. I haven't seen Tami in over a year but when we get together it's always wonderful and conversation picks up right where it left off. Tami has the most warm and gentle spirit. Our lives don't have all that much in common anymore but I would never want to lose touch with her because she is such an amazing and inspiring person. I'm grateful that we still have a friendship as years pass.......


Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving, Day 16

Today I'm thankful for Gage....

Gage can sometimes be very frustrating for me.......lately he's going through a phase again that he goes through periodically. It's a phase where he places his thoughts and ideas pretty high on the priority list and forgets to just follow directions........

"Gage, take those shorts off before you put your pants on."-Me
"Oh mom-these pants fit over these shorts so I think it's okay."-Gage


"Roll the window up"-Me
"Gracie stopped crying when I rolled it down so I think she might start crying again if I roll it up"-Gage

When it's bad it literally feels like every time I give him a direction-he's got something to say back about it. The good news is it's usually a phase and after a few times getting his mouth washed out he regains perspective and we can move on.

Though he's in the midst of this phase there are so many things about him to be grateful for.......

Earlier this week he used his own money to buy marbles at the grocery store and without even being prompted he asked the clerk, "Are you still taking donations for Children's Hospital? I want to give one of my dollars."

Yesterday he started a prescription, though he told me that it tasted terrible, he'll take the rest of it without another complaint. It's never been challenging to give him medicine or have him try a new food. Ever.

When it's time to go to bed, he's always just gone. He might come out once for a drink but it's pretty rare and I'm glad to say that bedtime has NEVER been a battle in our house.

Like his mother, he loves books. He always asks me to read to him and I'm grateful that we share this love.

He's never been really shy or fearful. Even as an infant I could pass him to anyone and he wouldn't think twice about it. Now that he's older it's things like going to a new dentist-no fears, going to a new friend's house-no fears.

He is affectionate, would give anyone a hug without hesitation. Sometimes I see he's growing out of this one a little bit. It's fine because I know that he's watching the guys and taking note of how the men behave. It used to be that when we left a party he would give everyone a it's hugs for the ladies and handshakes or high fives for the gents. When it comes to family, it's still a hug for everyone.

He loves Gracie and the twins....I've shared plenty of stories about Gracie but he also talks to the twins and gives them a hug and kiss every night.

He still loves to cuddle with me. We got up early this morning to meet Matt's co-worker who gave him a ride to work. We stopped, of course, at Uncle Harry's for an iced tea and some bagels. When we got home Gage got a blanket and curled up next to me on the couch. He put his hand on my belly to see if he could feel the babies move. I know this is one that will only last so long so I certainly can't forget to be thankful.

Today he has a performance at school and I know he's going to say the poems and sing the songs loud and proud. I love him beyond measure......


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15......

Today hasn't been a good day....... 

First thing this morning Gracie threw up in the car. All over her clothes and car seat. Then we had a nanny/housekeeper starting today and she informed me that she decided not to take the hour before the time she was expected to come clean the house. Then while Gracie napped I spent my time getting yelled at on the phone and trying to put an end to issue that I fear will never get resolved. Then it was time to take Gage to school so I went in at the last minute to wake Gracie and found her with oatmeal her crib, on her quilt, on the bumper, on her blankies, down the back of the crib, in her hair, and stuck to her cheek. It was awesome. Gage was only 5 minutes late. Then-we leave for Jackson's rehearsal dinner and wedding tomorrow. Gracie's supposed to be in a room with two babysitters and four other we'll face what to do with her if she's still puking. Should be an amazing four hours in the car and 2 nights in a hotel room. 

BUT.....there is always something to be thankful for. Today I'm thankful for the gives me a chance to unwind from the day and have a moment to myself. It reminds me to be grateful, look at the bright side, keep my priorities in line, and be myself. Hopefully down the road, when I've forgotten everything from this time in my life, it will give me a chance to share with the kids what our life was like. 

Today might be the pits, but life most certainly isn't.......


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving, Day 14

Today I'm so thankful for the minds of children.......

Yesterday I took Gage to the dentist and he has a ton of work that needs to be done. It could be that he just genetically inherited bad teeth (perhaps), could be his brushing habits (I think for the most part he does a good job), could be a high-sugar diet (nope), could be a lack of calcium in his diet (there's the culprit-he hates milk) or a combination.

Anyway, he has to have 2 crowns and the insurance will only pay for a stainless steel (that's right-silver). If we want tooth-colored the whole thing is considered cosmetic and it's going to cost a pretty penny on top of everything else he needs done. Our back neighbor's little boy, Alec, has a silver tooth. His mom explained to me how she was so upset when his dad took him to the dentist and he came back with that. We always laugh about it.

Gage hears me discussing the options and costs with the receptionist at the dentist office. We get in the car and he explains to me that he knows what he wants........a silver tooth-just like Alec's.

The I am thinking about how terrible the silver is......and as I mull over the decision he's practically begging me for the silver tooth......


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thanksgiving, Day 13

Today I'm thankful for my health......

I'm so glad that when I go in to a new physician's office and I begin filling out my health history.......I just get to check "no" all the way down.

Even with pregnancy I've never had any concerns.......nausea that only came with the twins and subsided by the second trimester and some discomfort in my hips that kept me from being very active this pregnancy. That's it. Nothing else to think about. My weight gain has always been appropriate and the loss after has never been too challenging. Every time I see Dr. Swanson he tells me that everything is perfect......I'm perfect, babies are perfect, and he has no concerns.

I do take care of myself but eating healthy in comparison to the average person and working out regularly (with the exception of this pregnancy). Still, a lot of it is just plain luck.....and I'm thankful......


Thanksgiving Days 10, 11, and 12

I'm thankful for iced tea. Sometimes I think I would never get hydrated if it wasn't for the goodness of iced tea. Uncle Harry's iced good.  

I am thankful that my husband doesn't travel often. Matt came home last night from a ten day hunting trip with his father and brothers and I was dying for him to get home. The good news is he shot a buck on his trip and I kept the kids alive the whole time he was gone. On occasion I complain about his commute but I have to say-it could be much worse. I'm grateful that it's just a commute and that I get to see him every day.  

Which brings me to the next one......I am grateful for those who currently serve and have served in our military and their families. I can't imagine, in addition to missing the presence of your family member, constantly worrying about their safety. Many thanks to the men and women of our military that have fought for the freedoms we enjoy and made many sacrifices to do so. Just as many thanks to their families. 


Friday, November 9, 2012

Thanksgiving Days 8 and 9

I am thankful for a new's not here yet, but it should be in 3-5 weeks. I don't really get excited about things like cars. I've had a lot of cars and it's just not something I really care about. As long as it gets me from one place to another without a problem I really don't care. However, with twins on the way, I'm excited to know that I'll have plenty of room for the whole family. Suburban. I promise not to put the stick figure family stickers on the back.......

I'm also grateful for our nieces and nephews. We don't live in the same place as any of them :( so we don't get to see them as often as we'd like. Today I was getting the Christmas shopping list and thinking of each one of them. Nick was the first one, when he was born I was in high he's almost the age I was when he was born........ 

Baby Nick.....

Nick now......(left)

It's crazy.......your own children that you see every day grow up fast.....but the ones you don't see every day-they grow even faster. 

I love them dearly and wish I could see them all more often.........


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thanksgiving, Day 6 and 7

I am thankful that the twins have reached the point of viability.......

When you're having twins you're monitored much more closely than a single pregnancy. In the beginning, I found it a little annoying. I thought of my great-grandmother and her twin sister......I mean, if my great-great grandmother could deliver two healthy girls over 100 years ago-it's no problem-I've got this.

Then.....I started going online to look up information about having twins. When your pregnant with a single baby there are all kinds of sites that tell you how big your baby is, how much weight you should have gained, how ready you are for maternity clothes and so on. There are no great sites on the "norms" for twins, so I just started searching on boards. Then I really got to see the risks with having many stories of one twin lost by vanishing twin syndrome in the early months....then the stories of miscarrying one twin and attempting to save the other.....then the stories of deliveries in the early months. It was scary.

I had that little scare in the beginning where I went in to be monitored and luckily it was just that-a scare. Since then I really have tried to take it easy-at least for me. I still have trouble just sitting down and relaxing but I'm not hitting the gym or anything.

Now we have passed the 23 week mark (I'm almost 25 weeks) and the twins have reached viability. They COULD survive outside the womb. Don't get me wrong-I'm still trying to keep them in there till the 37 week mark but it does bring some comfort to have reached this point and I'm grateful for that.

And for Day 7-today I am grateful that my mother taught me that if I don't have anything nice to say, I should say anything at all. As I got up this morning and read all the negative posts on Facebook regarding the election, that lesson came to mind, "If you don't have anything nice to say-don't say anything at all" and so I won't........I will move on to the positive things in my life and continue to share what I have to be grateful for every day. Thanks Mom for teaching me not to be negative-nobody likes that......


Monday, November 5, 2012

Thanksgiving, Day 5

Today I share thanks for the twins that will join our family early next year. We've yet to meet them but they have already brought so much to our family. They started out by surprising us.....we certainly were not expecting to have twins. They bring us joy in knowing that we will experience something not every family gets to enjoy. They have continued to grow the love that I share with Matt. We have more to prepare and plan for, more to worry about, and more concerns but this has just made us grow our love for one another......

We look forward to meeting these two....

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thanksgiving-Days 2, 3, and 4

It's been a busy last few days so I'm catching up on my thanks.......

Day 2-Thankful for the change in weather. I don't really like cold; I'd take warm weather over cold any day. BUT-cooking two babies makes me feel like an oven even on cooler days so I was ready for a little change. It's great to let Gracie stay in her pajamas all day and have an excuse to stay in and cuddle. 

Day 3-I'm so grateful that my family is close enough for a day trip. I took the kids to my nephew Nick's football game Friday night and the kids stayed the night at my mom's. We're so fortunate to have them close enough to do that. 

Day 4-This morning I wake up grateful for the time I get to spend at home with my children. Yesterday I caught up with a friend that is struggling with returning to work after having a baby. I'm definitely not the attachment parent-I have no problem leaving my kids with someone else. BUT-I do remember how hard it was to return to teaching the first year after staying home with Gage. Being a stay-at-home mom and being a working mom both have their challenges-I know, I've done both. For me, I'd rather be home. 

It's not that I prefer to be home because I'm the attachment parent that never wants to leave my kids.....but it IS because I love being with them. We keep busy around here but staying at home also leaves time to take things slow. When I was teaching I had to drop Gage off at daycare by 6:30am to get to work on time. This meant waking him up, getting him dressed, and dropping him off with a packed breakfast all within a 15 minutes. Now that we're home we have time to make breakfast together and time to come up with our new ideas for breakfast like peanut butter, banana, and Nutella sandwiches on wheat-lightly toasted. When Gage and I sit down to read or work on sight words-we're not rushed. I can let Gracie feed herself....with reckless abandon-because I have time to clean it all up when she's done.

Never does a day go by that I forget how fortunate I am to stay home with my precious babies......


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanksgiving, Day 1

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. It's such a beautiful time of grace-an opportunity to consider the wealth of blessings we're given that we do not deserve. Last year on Facebook I posted one thing I was thankful for every day from November 1st throughThanksgiving. This year I'll extend the thanks by blogging each day about something I give thanks for.

Today I am so grateful for the health and spirit of my children. 

Gage is always loving Gracie......helping her, showing her, playing with her, making her laugh, and looking out for her. He has such a warm spirit. This morning he handed me a bag full of Almond Joy candy bars. I feel like you either love coconut or hate it-I love coconut and Almond Joy candy bars. He said, "Mom, I pulled all of these out from my trick-or-treating bucket for you-I know you love them." I know that he doesn't like them, wouldn't eat them, and they would have stayed in the bottom of his trick-or-treat basket forever. Nonetheless, instead of just avoiding eating them, he thought to package them up and give them to me. Then he remembered that he should grab a few out for Grandma Stacey cause he'll be seeing her this weekend and she loves them too (Mom, if you're reading-act surprised). 

And look at sweet Gracie......
She was the cutest little pig I've ever seen. I couldn't coax a smile but she happily kept that costume on all evening. Gracie doesn't say much but she just laughs when she figures something out and it's so sweet. She has learned to give kisses and Gage, Matt and I all just love it! She is so much like her mom and dad-her two favorite things are books and being outside. 

Most of all I'm SO grateful for their health. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012


With twins on the way we know that moving into a bigger house is somewhere in the near future. We've started looking just a little to see what's on the market and how likely we are to find something that will fill our needs......and some of our wants at the same time. If something perfect came up we might make a move but we're not in any hurry. First we looked at a house that was in the right area but the yard was really small. It was in a cul-de-sac which was slightly redeeming but the floor plan didn't work and it needed some TLC. Then we looked at a beautiful house with a little better yard and floor plan but it wasn't in the right school district. Lastly we looked at a house on 2 acres with a beautiful yard and a house with an awful floor plan that smelled like.....pets. 

When we got home we discussed the good and the bad for each property and we were certain none of those were right for our family. It got me thinking about where we lived growing up, where we live now, and where we really want to live.......

Every reader knows that Matt and I grew up in places where as small children there was plenty to do outside......we even have scars to prove it. Like the one on my ribs......I was riding my bike on the blacktop at my grandparents house and when I hit the sand at the end it didn't go well for me. I was riding in their very long driveway (you might call it a family parking lot)-there was no traffic to be concerned about. The lack of outdoor space for Gage to play has been one of our biggest challenges here.....I can't just send Gage outside to ride his bike or scooter-we don't even have sidewalks in our neighborhood. There's too much traffic coming around corners and out of tiny driveways. 

It got me considering two things: 

1. I am so grateful for our back neighbors. Without siblings that he can play with, there is only so much Gage can do inside without being glued to the television (he gets two 1/2 hour shows a day-one before school and one after-that's our limit). I can take the kids to the park or the country club but we have to work around school, Gracie's naps, time to prepare meals/clean house and with twins on the way that will only be more limiting. I thank God for the back neighbors. They have three kids and two are within a year of Gage's age. They don't have cable and they have a trampoline in the backyard! They are always happy to have Gage over, send one of theirs over here, pick up from school, or just visit, and it's such a blessing. 

2. I finally get it. I used to hear parents talking about ALL the activities their kids are involved in-fall soccer, fall ball, winter soccer, basketball, gymnastics, karate, t-ball, and how their busy every night of the week. I would think......why? Your kid is six-why do they need all those activities? Now I kinda get it........I can't send Gage outside to play so if I want him to be active-he's got to be in some type of organized activity. Now I know that as long as we stay in Fresno-this is a part of life I'll have to just join in on. 

In other news, here's what we've been up to.......

A field trip to the pumpkin patch......

 This little blondie is our back neighbor, Ella
 A family trip to pick up pumpkins......

 Nerd day at school..........
And one of the most precious things I've ever seen......

Until next time.....




Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's our anniversary.....

Today Matt and I celebrate our two year anniversary.......three kids in just two years.......technically two of them aren't here yet, but it still feels like we've set a record!

Matt and I met in January 2009. Look at us.......January 2009

I knew Matt very casually before we started dating, enough to say hello in passing at the gym but not really enough to stop and have a conversation. One good thing was that he already knew I was a single mom so we didn't have to have that conversation.

Look how little Gage was......February 2009

Matt would bring over wine and a movie after Gage went to bed. We would talk for a while and then I would fall asleep an hour into the movie because ever since becoming a mother-that's what I do. He came over on evenings I didn't have Gage and made dinner with (or for) Kelsi and me. He reminded me of home. That's always been the best way for me to describe the way I feel with him- I feel the comfort of home. I've always thought much of that comes from the fact that Matt and I are both small town kids. Even though we don't live in a small town now, and may never again, I think our hearts will always be there.

The first time Matt took me home to meet his family was at the end of March-the weekend before Tom and Kristi got married. It was like walking back in's what I remember....

The trip through the canyon had made me feel carsick so Dale fixed me some cottage cheese and peaches. At the time I hated cottage cheese but I didn't say a word and ate it anyway because my mama taught me right. It was actually really good and I've been eating it ever since. Dale's Wranglers were sagging just a little of the back of his behind-and he reminded me (and still does) a great deal of my grandpa Don. The silverware was the same that my mother had when we were growing up. I had no cell phone service. Debi hand-washed all her dishes. There was sun tea brewing on a table in the back yard. Sun tea......took me back to 1986 in the house on Valeria. We went to church and there were probably 40 people in attendance....just like the Church of Christ I grew up in. I remember thinking......."No wonder he reminds me of home".

At Tom and Kristi's wedding.....April 2009

When I met Matt he was living in an apartment with Christian and had really nothing and no one to consider other than himself and little responsibility. Just three years later he has a stay-at-home wife and four kids to support.........along with another home and suburban to purchase in the near future! He has certainly taken it in stride......hasn't even flinched. The Lord has brought much change into our lives in just two years but we are so grateful for how easy it has been.

Our wedding day, October 16, 2010

There are plenty of things to love about Matt.......anyone that knows him knows that he's just a generally good guy. Some things I love the most are that Matt has never raised his voice at me.....even when I've lost the car keys for the seventy millionth time-he only shakes his head in frustration. He compliments my cooking and says thank you for every meal....even when it's just left overs-and has taught Gage to do the same. He is grateful, always counting our blessings instead of longing for more. He's a little old in his desire to stick with traditional anniversary gifts......

For the second anniversary the traditional gift is cotton-here was his gift to me......

Not really......but that was his attempt at sticking with the traditional cotton. He gave me two diamond bands to wear along with my ring or alone for when I go to the gym. It was perfect.

Matt brings out the best in me as both a spouse and a mother. Every day he makes me want to be better.....for our God, for him, for myself, and for our family.

Happy Anniversary Matthew-I promise to put you before all things, second only to Christ. I promise to challenge and take risks with you. I promise to maintain a sense of humor and be your best friend. I will respect, encourage, and cherish you. I will not leave you or turn back from following you; where you go, I will go, and where you live, I will live. Your family will be my family, and your God, my God. I will be faithfully yours all the days of my life.
