Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why I'm Blogging

My great-grandmother, known as Noni to almost everyone, lived to be ninety-nine years old before she passed away. Impressive, right? Even more so-was her mind. It's not that she had an amazing memory-she really didn't. One could ask about her early childhood or raising her daughters and, though she had some things to share, she didn't remember much. However, what she DID remember was extremely impressive. This was a woman I saw less than once per month but when I walked in the room she knew exactly who I was...... 

I was her daughter Jan's granddaughter

Stacey's daughter

Josh and Amy's sister

I had a son named Gage 

I was, at the time she passed, soon to marry my husband, Matt 

She also knew that I was a teacher and would ask me how school was going. Sharp for 99 years. A truly amazing lady.

Noni, 2010

My sister and I have theorized that her mind was so aware of the present because she kept it cleared of the past and embraced the changes of the world. In some ways I take after my Noni, my slender frame, my long skinny hands and feet..........and my difficulty storing memories. My friends will tell old stories that involved me and I will totally laugh along but on the inside think.......I don't remember that. So the blog is to pick up the slack. It's not for me to remember, I love having a clear mind. It is to help my family remember when I can't. 

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