Monday, June 4, 2012

A new favorite proverb......

If you read my post about teaching you know the story of a question.......about elasticity......that I once answered. On Friday night Matt read the blog and shared that he didn't like that story-he thought is was distasteful and unnecessary to share. It wasn't necessary to share, I thought, but it was just a reminder of the shocking things that I dealt with as a teacher. We moved on to discussing our plans for the weekend. 

On Saturday morning Gage had his last t-ball game. 
Jace, Gage, and Luke getting ready

He went 3 for 3 :)
face of determination
Gage and his t-ball and preschool buddy, Luke
After the game Matt barbecued lunch and we all took a long nap. It was amazing. Then we took the kids out to the pool at Copper for the afternoon. 
Gracie-almost 11 months
Gracie was just getting over a little virus so she has a little rash in these pics.....
That evening Uncle Jeff came over rode bikes in the street with Gage.  
Game on
We watched the sun go down. It was a good, old fashioned summer night. 

On Sunday morning we went to church as usual. We are currently in the book of Corinthians. This last Sunday's message included many lessons. One was a reminder that a husband is to lead his family.....that a wife should submit to her husband, not because he deserves it but because by doing so a wife is serving God. All day Matt kept saying "Yeah, you better respect my authoritah!" in his best Cartman. For anyone who doesn't know Matt well-it was absolutely playful. I love that Matt is the leader of our family and I don't mind "submitting" to him. I advise any unmarried young women reading-make sure you marry someone smarter than you. The message was that of wives submitting to husbands, in part, but was also about head coverings and culture and how that relates to modesty in our current time. One little proverb really spoke to me.........

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout, so is a beautiful woman who lacks discretion. Proverbs 11:22

Wow. Just marinate on that for a minute. How I love the book of Proverbs. Upon hearing and reading those words two things came to mind- an old picture of myself in college where my attire is less than modest (I believe it was a "Pimps and Hoes" party in SLO).........and that story from my blog about teaching elasticity that lacked prudence. I was a little defensive when Matt mentioned that is was distasteful. Somehow hearing it from the Bible made it more palatable. So I came home and deleted that portion of the post. Sorry if you missed it ;) 

It was a beautiful weekend. How I hope that Matt and I are a positive example for Gage and Gracie........
Gage and Gracie's baptism, April 2012

Hope the verse from Proverbs speaks to you in some way too. 


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